Sunday, May 28, 2017

Status update

Collection packed 85%, moving box spring out Monday to make room for packed costumes, packed toys, and packed kitchenwares along with posters and books.

Moving collection out should give us plenty of room for baby crib delivery on Saturday. Also tearing out previous bed platform and constructing the new frame will give us more storage underneath in the master bedroom.

Sunday, May 21, 2017

Not a whole lot of news this week...

Only two bits of info.

I was rejected for one team position I was interviewed for. I was told to keep a diary of experiences and projects to draw upon for future reference and future interviews.

The journal is now being published, and research is being collected. I almost feel like I'm in a similar situation as my previous employer.

The other bit is the wife is gestational diabetic. So, new diets are being explored. We love our veggies and won't give up that, or cheese, but have to find alternatives to bread and some sweet snacks.

On our drive through Sugar back home, I noticed that there's still snow on the tops of the Tetons!