Although this conflicted with the afternoon General Conference session, we decided to re-watch the internet stream. Good ol' Dee Vee Are!
The biggest kid got to test-drive his hidden accessory for Chewie's roars and 3PO's replies. Went off without a hitch, except for needs rechargeable batteries. Very hot under the fur, and sweat dripped off in puddles. Lots of fans and kids high-fived Chewie's gloves, just wished somehow some cool air could get under the latex. Hopefully snapshots forthcoming from the Garrison website soon.
The only last free collectible left over from the event at Barnes & Noble was a button that said "Best Hair" with a pic of another wookie from the Jedi Academy series by Scholastic. Very appropriate!
Next project involves hot glue, portable christmas lights, industrial fluorescent light prisms, reflective paper, and hopefully a bandsaw.